The Village

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The Village,


BN20 7RD


The Village forms the centre of the Meads Conservation area.

Completed in 1894, this square of artisans’ dwellings around central allotments was built by George Ambrose Wallis who became the first Mayor of Eastbourne. Each allotment is now a miniature cottage garden which forms a riot of colour from spring to autumn with roses scrambling over flint walls and rustic wooden arches.

In April 2019 the allotments were put up for sale by Grainger plc who stated that they wished to sell to a group representing the local community in order to preserve it as a long-term asset for Meads and prevent any possibility of future development.

Residents set up the Meads Village Allotments Community Interest Company (CIC) and began negotiations with Grainger.  In addition members of the Meads Community Association and other residents were invited to buy a £1 share in the company and also to make a donation to help fund the purchase of the freehold.

By October more than 450 residents purchased shares and the donations continued. All through this the CIC board continued to negotiate with Grainger and eventually their offer to buy the freehold for £25,000 was accepted.  The sale went through in December 2019.