McGregor Letting Consultants
48 Meads St, Eastbourne BN20 7RH
The business, which opened in Meads Street in 2016, is owned and run by Tracy McGregor who has been involved in property development and letting for over 20 years.
Tracy’s first regular trips to Meads was as a parent doing the school run while her children were attending St Andrew’s Prep. ‘To me Meads represents traditional values of family life which makes the Village very special.
‘From my perspective there is no doubt that the position of Meads with its proximity to several excellent schools make it a favourite with families moving from areas like London and Brighton. There is no doubt that you can get a lot more for your money in terms of accommodation. In addition, a lot of our business is centered around international families often with homes in different parts of the world who have a base here solely because of the schools.’
Sitting in the cool white interior of McGregor it is fascinating to cast your mind back to Victorian times when the premises housed the local fire station. To Tracy this has a particular resonance as her father served for thirty years as a Fireman in Eastbourne.
Tracy is feeling very positive about new businesses coming in to Meads Street. ‘It’s good to see the Chinese restaurant doing well and the cake shop bringing a new generation of customers into the street. I am also very excited about what is happening on the new Meads Village branding. Hopefully this will do more to encourage other businesses to open. This is why we were among the first to accept the Meads Village Affinity Card and offer 10% discount on all fees charged to landlords.’
Tracy’s wish list includes a women’s boutique. Now there’s a thought…